Monday, January 5, 2009

Ok - you gross me out - so why do I miss watching you on the television these days

Dear Kim from the Real Housewives of Hotlanta,

My bffroommie asked me last night when we could expect to enjoy your pretty (that is sarcasm Kimmie) facial expressions in season 2 and I hate to admit that I did not have an answer for him. Where are you? I hope you are filming RIGHT THIS MINUTE because I went to Tulsa (you can still fucking smoke in bars) Oklahoma for Jesus is the Reason for the Season and with all the drinking, I slipped a few times and smoked a few cigarrettes. I need to see you every week so that you can eeeeeeeeew me out of any desire to smoke. You are the opposite of Don I want in your pants Draper, that is all I have to say - not just because I do not want in your pants but because you make smoking supersick and he makes smoking super tolerable. I guess that makes you the opposite of tolerable.

Wanna know what is annoying Kimmie? When people you haven't seen for a long time say shit like - You STILL SMOKE? Like I smoke 3 packs a day - and first thing in the morning I roll over in bed and light a cigarette before I even turn on a light - GRODY TO THE MAX ANUSPEOPLE - I said no stupid little bitch I DON'T I am just relapsing - go take a viagra or whatevs you need to do to get off my back beyotch.

Anyway TXTX,
I am a Lady and I am Alive

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