Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dear Kimmie, I can call you Kimmie right?

I mean you look like a Kimmie much more than a Kim or a Kimberly or my least favorite which is a misleading way of saying my most hated ever because it is stupid and butchy, Berly. I mean if you are going to call yourself Berly you might as well say - just because I am a lady and I am alive doesn't mean I need to be associated with an ounce of femininity. Fuck it, you might as well call me by my last name, which sounds like a butch cacophony thank you very much. As a lady who is alive and who wasted her years of potential and youth trying to deny herself said femininity I can safely say it is a garish mistake. A mistake which does not allow enough time in eternity to overcome. So I guess I beg you my little Kimmie - please don't call yourself Berly, or Zolzkciasdkjhsgh or whatever the fuck your crazy last name is.

Anyway, here is my question for you. Why is it that when I am smoking, all I want to do on this earth is to NOT smoke, however, when I am NOT smoking I would kill you just to smoke for a moment, however, it might be true to say that I would kill you for a nickel or I would kill you just to see if you deflate but that isn't the point here. Stop whining about yourself and Quincy and give me a goddamn answer.

I am a Lady and I am alive.

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